Vogue Knitting Live Recap, and upcoming shows

Natalia Wilson | 07 February, 2020

            Natalia next to her Malojos booth at Vogue Knitting Live NYC

Hi hi! How is it already February, and am I the gazillionth person to ask? It is, and I am, so here were are.


It's always amazing to me how much time it takes to prepare for a show like Vogue Knitting Live, and then how quickly it is over. Which is too bad, because it is such a fun show. I took less pictures during the show this year, and I think that is in part because it is so busy, and it's my third year, and maybe the shock has worn off. What hasn't worn off is my delight at getting to see yarny friends that live in different parts of the country, and getting to connect with them as we all get together to celebrate our love of yarny things.



Although I don't do very many shows yet, and I love the chance to participate in the different fiber festivals. They each have their own energy, and I think they are only getting better. Vogue Knitting Live in NYC is a high energy show, and this year was better than ever thanks to the conversations we have been having about diversity in our industry and our community. This was the most diverse crowd of vendors and shoppers I have seen at Vogue Knitting Live (and in Rhinebeck a few months ago as well.) I am so glad to see us working in the direction of inclusivity; I know we still have work to do, but we're doing it.

This year I will be changing up my show schedule a bit. I sadly will not be able to go to MD Sheep and Wool in May, which I will definitely miss. But, I have a new to me show, and I am super excited to announce that I will be vending at Woollinnthis year!! In Ireland!! WHAT?!? On June 12 and 13 Cooperative Press and I will be sharing a booth at Woollinn: Dublin's Festival of Yarn! I am going to be getting lots of metric gauges ready, and hopefully some fun new pieces, and I can hardly wait.

woollinn logo

I hope your new year (is it still new?) is off to a good start, and I will have more updates soon. You can always keep up with my adventures at my Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/malojosjewelry/ 

Thank you to all of you who follow me on Instagram and asked about my injured finger, it has healed, and I will try to stop hitting it with a mallet. 

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